An open, fair and united Europe
A successful Europe is possible, but not a self-evident outcome. Read on why I am running for the European Parliament
The Europe of Overmorrow - Finland's next 30 years in the Union
More clean energy and EU investment in new industries. Education, research and future technologies are the key to Finland's success.
We will connect Finland to continental Europe with the Helsinki-Tallinn tunnel, create a train connection to the Arctic Ocean and build rail connections to Sweden via Ă…land.
Common European defense systems, arms industry and investments in the development of high technology weapons. Ukraine to the European Union and NATO.
Increase mobility within Europe and increase educational and work-based immigration from outside the continent. A more attractive Europe for work, entrepreneurship and investments.
Free trade agreements with the United States, South America (Mercosur) and the emerging economies of Asia. Finland thrives with free trade.
Every previous enlargement of the Union has been economically good for the old member states. A united Europe and the expanding EU is a matter of security.
Why Ted?
"Ted is good at thinking about things in the long term. Politics needs more sustainable solutions, and Ted can find them."
Paula Risikko
First Deputy Speaker of the Parliament
Petri Sarvamaa
Member of the European Parliament
"Ted is a refreshing exception in politics: we need less blame and more solutions. That's why I support Ted!"
Minister of Social Security
"Ted is an internationally oriented lawyer who understands EU politics. Ted's ability to cooperate will be needed."
Ben Zyskowicz
Member of Parliament
"Ted is a promising fresh face who understands that economy, safety and the environment go hand in hand."
Anna-Kaisa Ikonen
Minister of Local and Regional Government
"Ted is a down-to-earth workhorse who is not afraid to bring out his own values"
Jarno Limnell
Member of Parliament
"Let's save our dear Baltic Sea. As Ted knows: both the environment and the economy are grateful for smart solutions!"
Saara-Sofia Sirén
Member of Parliament
"Ted is a politician who understands that Finland and Europe will only succeed if we achieve sustainable growth."
Ville Valkonen
Member of Parliament
"Ted is an international and solution-oriented politician. Influencing in Brussels requires familiarity and expertise."
Daniel Sazonov
Deputy mayor, Helsinki
"Now if ever there is a need in Europe liberal decision makers. Ted has just such - in every sense of the word. He defends an open society and to understand the dynamics of the economy. I know Ted in addition to politics work patterns. He is a top specialist who does what he promises."
Heikki Pursiainen
"Ted has extensive experience in political influencing. Ted knows the details and processes of EU lawmaking."
Max Mickelsson
"Ted is a liberal, international top talent whose heart beats for EU affairs. Ted would make an excellent MEP!"
Jenni Pajunen
Helsinki city councillor
"I have known Ted for more than ten years and we have cooperated a lot in the Helsinki City Council. Ted is someone who understands the EU's most important issues: economy, security and environment. I recommend!"
Otto Meri
Helsinki city councillor
"Ted has a vision of a better Europe for future generations. The EU needs ambition and hope for a more sustainable future so that we young people can realize our dreams."
Akseli Tiitta
Chairman of the Union of Finnish Student Unions
"Through his work and politics Ted has been supporting Internationals in Finland. We have worked together on several occasions. I believe Ted is a good ally for persons from diverse backgrounds."
Kamilla Sultanova
DEI consultant &
Alumni European Young Leader
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Itseensä käpristyvä Eurooppa ei ole kenenkään etu
Ensimmäiset kolme vuosikymmentä unionissa ovat tehneet Suomesta turvallisemman ja vauraamman kuin koskaan aiemmin. Tulevat kolme vuosikymmentä seuraavat samaa jatkumoa ainoastaan, jos diili on kaikille osapuolille aiempaa parempi.
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